3 Quotes & Sayings By Alice Henderson

Alice Henderson is a novelist, poet, playwright, columnist and short story writer. She is the author of the bestselling novel The Other Woman, which was made into a film starring Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet and Richard Gere. Her second novel, She Came to Me, will be published in February 2014. Henderson is also the author of two poetry collections (the bestselling The Day I Became God) Read more

Her first collection of short stories, A Body of Water, was published in 2010. Henderson lectures widely on literature and writing for educational institutions and professional organizations. As an editor she has worked with well-known authors including Richard Ford (The Lay Of The Land), Richard Bausch (The Year of Magical Thinking) and William Trevor (Saving Grace).

Six a.m.!
Six a.m.! " Xander cried. "I know that's a number on my clock, but I've never actually been awake to personally witness it! Alice Henderson
Boys", Buffy hissed through clenched teeth, "being quiet is an important part of sneaking."" Oh, sorry", Xander said, reducing his voice to a whisper." Besides, ritual sacrifice is a religious rite", Giles went on quietly. "They wouldn't sacrifice just anyone at random. It's far more likely they'd suspect you of being a Roman spy scouting for the invasion and just outright kill you"." Oh great! Great! Way to be encouraging Giles. And I suppose you'll just watch that happen, in your Watchery way. . Alice Henderson